Will Steam Cleaning Get Rid Of Urine Smell In Carpet? [Explained]

Last updated on November 2nd, 2023 at 01:04 am

When it comes to keeping our homes clean and fresh, one common challenge many pet owners face is dealing with urine smells in carpets. If you have a furry friend at home, you probably know how challenging it can be to eliminate that stubborn urine odor.

In your search for a solution, you may have come across the idea of using steam cleaning to tackle this problem. But does steam cleaning really get rid of the urine smell in carpets?

Let’s explore this topic and find out the truth.

Does Steam Cleaning Carpet Remove Odor at All?

Steam cleaning is a popular method for deep cleaning carpets, and it can be an effective solution for eliminating various types of stains and odors.

When it comes to urine smell, however, steam cleaning alone might not always be enough to completely eradicate the odor.

Urine contains strong-smelling compounds that can penetrate deep into the carpet fibers, padding, and even the subfloor. These compounds can be difficult to remove with surface-level cleaning methods alone.

While steam cleaning can help to sanitize and refresh the carpet, it may not always fully eliminate the urine odor.

To understand why steam cleaning alone may not be sufficient, let’s take a closer look at the chemistry behind urine odors.

Urine contains uric acid, which forms crystals that cling to surfaces and release a strong ammonia-like smell. These uric acid crystals are highly insoluble and can become embedded deep within the carpet fibers, making them resistant to ordinary cleaning methods.

When you steam clean a carpet, hot water vapor is injected deep into the carpet fibers, along with a cleaning solution.

The combination of heat, water, and cleaning agents helps to break down dirt, stains, and some odor-causing compounds. However, the uric acid crystals in the urine can be stubborn and require additional steps to effectively remove them.

Will Steam Cleaning Get Rid Of Urine Smell In Carpet?

The effectiveness of steam cleaning in removing urine smell from carpets depends on several factors, including the severity of the odor, the type of carpet, and the cleaning technique used.

In some cases, steam cleaning can significantly reduce or even eliminate the urine smell, while in other cases, additional steps may be necessary.

If the urine odor is fresh and hasn’t had time to seep deep into the carpet and padding, steam cleaning can be quite effective. The hot steam and the cleaning solution used in the process can help break down the urine compounds and remove them from the carpet fibers.

By targeting the source of the odor, steam cleaning can neutralize the smell and leave your carpet smelling fresh.

However, if the urine has been present for a long time or if the carpet has been repeatedly soiled, steam cleaning alone may not be enough to completely eliminate the smell.

In such cases, the urine odor may have permeated not only the carpet fibers but also the padding and even the subfloor. In these situations, it may be necessary to take additional steps to tackle the odor problem.

Will Steam Cleaning Get Rid Of Urine Smell In Carpet? User Advice

Based on user experiences on the Internet, here are some tips and advice to increase the chances of successfully removing urine smell from carpets using steam cleaning:

CommentMain Point
Use Nature’s Miracle urine remover, an enzyme cleaner, to remove cat urine smell.Nature’s Miracle is effective for removing cat urine smell.
Pet urine can go through the carpet, pad, and into the subfloor, requiring specialized treatment.Pet urine can penetrate multiple layers and needs specific treatment.
Steam cleaning may not completely neutralize urine odor; it could spread it around.Steam cleaning may not be effective in completely removing urine odor.
Use white vinegar and water or an enzyme cleaner to remove pet urine odor.White vinegar, water, or enzyme cleaners are effective in removing pet urine odor.
Steam cleaning can be combined with a carpet cleaner for better results.Steam cleaning can work in conjunction with a carpet cleaner to remove urine scent and stains.
Use specific products like Nok-Out or Sniper for complete removal of urine odor.Nok-Out and Sniper are highly effective in completely removing urine odor.
Vinegar and water can be used with steam cleaning to remove urine crystals.Vinegar and water can help in loosening urine crystals during steam cleaning.
Steam cleaning is not recommended for pet urine odor; it could make it worse.Steam cleaning is not advised for removing pet urine odor as it may worsen the smell.
Actual steam cleaners can remove urine odors, as long as they can penetrate the entire stain.Proper steam cleaners can effectively eliminate urine odors.
Shaving cream, when rubbed in and left to sit, can remove urine odor.Shaving cream, when applied correctly, can eliminate urine odor.
A mixture of Listerine and water or generic mouthwash can remove urine odor and stains.Listerine or generic mouthwash mixed with water is effective in removing urine odor and stains.
Vinegar and baking soda are natural remedies for removing urine odors and stains.Vinegar and baking soda can foam and remove urine odor and stains naturally.

Products mentioned in the recommendations:

Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover

Nature's Miracle Stain and odor remover
Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover

Nok-Out odor eliminator

  1. Act quickly: If your pet has an accident on the carpet, try to clean it up as soon as possible. The longer the urine sits, the more difficult it becomes to remove the odor.
  2. Blot the urine: Use absorbent materials like paper towels or clean cloths to blot up as much of the urine as possible before steam cleaning. This helps remove the excess moisture and reduce the amount of urine that seeps deeper into the carpet.
  3. Pre-treat the area: Before steam cleaning, consider using a specialized urine stain and odor remover. These products are designed to break down the urine compounds and make them easier to remove during the steam cleaning process.
  4. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: When using a steam cleaner, make sure to read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. This will ensure that you use the machine correctly and maximize its effectiveness in removing urine odor.
  5. Repeat the process if necessary: In some cases, a single round of steam cleaning may not completely eliminate the urine smell. If you still detect the odor after the initial cleaning, you may need to repeat the process or consider seeking professional help.

Remember, every carpet and urine odor situation is unique.

The success of steam cleaning in removing urine smell depends on various factors, so it’s important to assess the severity of the odor and adapt your cleaning approach accordingly.

How to Get Urine Smell Out of Carpet with Steam Cleaner

To effectively use a steam cleaner to remove urine smell from your carpet, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the area: Remove any furniture or obstacles from the area you plan to clean. This will allow you to have easy access to the entire carpet surface.
  2. Vacuum the carpet: Use a vacuum cleaner with a high-quality filter to remove any loose dirt, hair, or debris from the carpet. This step helps ensure that the steam cleaner can focus on the urine odor without being hindered by other particles.
  3. Pre-treat the urine spots: Apply a urine stain and odor remover to the affected areas. Allow the product to sit for the recommended time specified on the label. This pre-treatment helps break down the urine compounds and prepares the carpet for steam cleaning.
  4. Use the steam cleaner: Fill the steam cleaner’s reservoir with the appropriate cleaning solution and water, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Begin steam cleaning the carpet, making sure to cover the entire affected area. Pay extra attention to the urine spots and any areas where the odor seems to be concentrated.
  5. Allow the carpet to dry: After steam cleaning, give the carpet enough time to dry completely. Proper drying helps prevent the growth of mold or mildew and ensures that any remaining urine smell dissipates.
  6. Repeat the process if necessary: If the urine smell persists, you may need to repeat the steam cleaning process or consider seeking professional assistance.

By following these steps and using steam cleaning as part of your odor removal process, you can increase the chances of successfully eliminating urine smells from your carpets.

Get Urine Smell Out of Carpet with Steam Cleaner

What to Use in Steam Cleaner for Dog Urine

When using a steam cleaner to tackle dog urine smells in carpets, it’s essential to choose the right cleaning solution.

Look for cleaning solutions that are specifically designed to eliminate pet urine odors. These products typically contain enzymes or bacteria that break down the urine compounds and neutralize the odor. Follow the instructions provided by the cleaning solution manufacturer to ensure proper usage and best results.

In addition to the cleaning solution, you may also consider adding a small amount of white vinegar to the steam cleaner’s reservoir.

Vinegar is known for its ability to neutralize odors and can help in combating the urine smell.

However, it’s important to use vinegar sparingly and dilute it properly to prevent any potential damage to the steam cleaner or the carpet fibers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What takes a strong urine smell out of carpet?

If you’re dealing with a strong urine smell in your carpet, it may require more than just steam cleaning.

Here are a few additional tips to help combat a strong urine odor:

  • Vinegar and water solution: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water and spray the solution on the affected areas. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before blotting it up with a clean cloth.
  • Baking soda: Sprinkle baking soda liberally over the carpet, focusing on the areas with the strongest urine odor. Let it sit overnight, and then vacuum it up the next day.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and dish soap: Create a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap (1:1 ratio) and apply it to the urine spots. Let it sit for a few minutes before blotting it up with a clean cloth.
  • Professional cleaning: If home remedies don’t work, consider hiring a professional carpet cleaning service that specializes in removing pet urine odors. They have specialized equipment and expertise to tackle even the toughest smells.

Can professional carpet cleaners remove pet urine?

Yes, professional carpet cleaners can be effective in removing pet urine from carpets. They have access to commercial-grade equipment and cleaning solutions that are more powerful than typical household steam cleaners.

Professional cleaners also have the expertise to assess the severity of the urine odor and tailor their approach accordingly.

If you’re struggling to remove the pet urine smell from your carpet, consulting a professional cleaner might be a worthwhile investment.


Steam cleaning can be a valuable tool in your arsenal for eliminating urine smells from carpets. While it may not always completely remove the odor on its own, when used in conjunction with other cleaning methods and techniques, it can significantly improve the situation.

Remember to act quickly, pre-treat the urine spots, and follow proper cleaning procedures to increase your chances of success. With patience and persistence, you can enjoy a fresh and odor-free home, even with your beloved furry friends by your side.